Are you frustrated about rising operating costs and lower reimbursements? Revenue cycle management is a multi-phase process, which is starting to be replaced by the term […]
A revenue management system is one of the most problematic functions that hospitals have to combat nowadays. The main issue is with regards to being able […]
In the past, hospitals used to manage every aspect of their business themselves, but with the passage of time and growth, services and the administration have […]
Medical billing denials are a big issue for most hospitals. These denials occur when insurance companies refuse to pay for your healthcare services. When this happens, […]
Revenue Cycle Management is a process through which a patient’s healthcare lifecycle is taken care of by healthcare companies. The payments made by a patient on […]
After the scheduling of a doctor’s appointment, the process which leads up to a patient’s care and having payment received is referred to as ‘revenue cycle […]
RCM, or Revenue Cycle Management, is a process used in healthcare facilities. It involves many sub-processes, such as: Handling check-in for new patients Conducting background checks […]
The hospital sector has a very large infrastructure that is required to be able to maintain every aspect of the hospitals organization. This is precisely why […]
Health care costs continue to become much greater than commercial and government reimbursements. Health plans with higher deductibles are more common among hospitals today. In fact, […]
The healthcare landscape is growing very rapidly. At the same time, the challenges that physicians face are also rising too. Some of the challenges that they […]