4 Ways the AllPayor® Software Can Help Your Organization

Calculate the Plan Benefit expected from all Payors and compare that expected benefit to the actual payment(s) received.
Confidently record your monthly Contractual Allowance for unbilled and in-house charges.
Create instant Models using "what-if" clones of your existing contracts applied directly to your claim data.
Compare Profitability by Payor, by Facility, by Product Line, by Physician … the possibilities are endless.
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AnalyTXs AllPayor® is web-based. This ASP model system allows desktop access by every client designated hospital employee. Access privileges are employee specific, controlled by the client and are easily modified. Data Acquisition is simply designed to be a by-product of routine hospital operations and does not require the use of valuable hospital Information System resources.
Most of all, rock-solid reliability and top-level security for your claim management & contract modeling needs.
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